I have the world’s best clients.
My clients have been behaving so admirably during this pandemic. They are self-isolating. They are learning to use Skype, Zoom, Duo, all of that technology that just about nobody had time for just a month or two ago. When we have been meeting face to face, physical distance has been kept. The slightest of possible symptoms are immediately described and alternate plans for meeting are made. They are absolutely and spontaneously doing it right, and not out of fear. They are doing it out of compassion, out of love.
Psychologists are always probing for what remains to be done, what rests unresolved, where the growth next needs to appear. I am absolutely like that. I’m less practiced at taking note of what is just as it needs to be. So, forgive me if I’m less adept at it. I am just so impressed.
Self-isolation, quarantining, physical distancing, incessant hand washing, masking, struggling financially, trying to prevail against a completely invisible enemy whose generally mild effects can become overwhelming and too easily fatal: None of this is particularly easy. The hardest part I think is that we, the children of a competitive and greedy system that specifically teaches us to mistrust the stranger, we now depend on that stranger and one another for our very survival, whether we like it or not. It’s easy to see the fear around us: The hoarding especially is its stark reflection. The places we turn to distract ourselves from our fears are closed, and rightly so.
And my clients aren’t immune to the trepidation of these tumultuous times. They’re just doing the right thing and keeping on regardless. So I want to shout it out. I am so proud each of them has chosen me to help them to do better, because what they do is good. Just extraordinary.