See? We’re Having Fun Already!
I’m a severe introvert and it’s getting to me anyway. I can understand what my extroverted clients tell me it does to them, this Covid thing. Unfortunately the virus, the biology and epidemiology and physiology and treatment of it, they just don’t care how we feel about it. None of them possesses the infrastructure for caring how we feel…The virus, well, because it’s a virus; and the science because it’s data-based. Scientists care. Science doesn’t. The same defensive people who sidestep speaking o their ownf feelings saying “It is what it is” seem to be the very ones who won’t say the same thing about the pandemic we’re in right now. Go figure.
It’s not that nobody cares. Not one bit. Research scientists devote their whole lives doing what earns them far less than they could gain by getting into a profit-based capitalist frenzy. Just like fire fighters and EMTs they choose to do what they do because they care. Physicians and our absolutely heroic nurses risk their lives every shift because they care…not just about Covid either. They’ve been treating incurable communicable diseases all along: HIV-AIDS, typhus back inna day, bubonic plague, leprosy…I could go on. Meanwhile, in my small single-handed private practice three people turned up with the Covid this week (which is probably a major reason why I’m writing this.} People with the same problems that you have most likely. Plus this. People who don’t know whether they will face an aggressive throng of so-called protesters trying to gain access to the patients who need their treatment. People who, in addition to every single thing you are dealing with also are risking infection much more than you are so that they might be of assistance.
So I ask you to forgive me if I’m sometimes a little testy about deniers and conspiracy idealists (I refuse to call them ”theorists” because most wouldn’t know a theory from a theramin or a thesaurus. And they certainly dont’ know what they’re referring to when they say they’ve ”done their own research.” An unschooled person is no more apt to become a researcher because they have access to the internet than is an unschooled person apt to become a mechanic because they bought a socket wrench set at Canadian Tire.] It is unacceptable to fail to do all one can to be helpful.
In the book of Genesis, when g-d asks Cain where Abel is, Cain {Abel’s murderer) replies ”Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Yes. Yes we are. If we are not at least that, what are we?
It’s hard for everyone. Do the best you can. When this is over, all that will matter is how we treated one another. In my opinion, anyway.
Stay strong. Remember who cares about you. Call if you need.